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Writer's pictureGlenford Blanc

January is Radon Awareness Month!

Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is in every home in some capacity. According to the EPA, radon is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer. Keeping radon levels in homes low is incredibly important, but most homes do not have a radon reduction system, and few home owners are aware of this problem. The EPA recommends periodic testing even in homes that have radon reduction systems. Along with residential and commercial inspections, Pro Spex offers Radon testing.


What is Radon?

Radon is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that, if allowed to accumulate and reach high concentrations in a home, can make residents sick. According to the EPA, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is naturally found at levels of about 0.4 pCi/L, or picocuries per liter, in the air. It is stressed that indoor radon levels be kept below 4 pCi/L.

Did you know?

  • All homes have radon. Many newer homes have higher levels of radon than older homes. This is in part because newer homes are built tighter, reducing the amount of natural ventilation. A s a result, indoor concentration levels of radon rise. Testing these levels is an important step in keeping safe from the effects of radon.

  • Radon can be reduced significantly with the right reduction system. Pro Spex's radon testing provides an accurate and thorough assessment and explanation of the radon levels in a home.

  • The average cost of a radon test is between $175 and $200.

  • The EPA recommends annual tests, even if a home already has radon systems installed.

  • Radon levels can and are often affected by time and weather fluctuations. Because radon levels can be inconsistent, it is crucial to test homes on a regular basis.

Stay informed about the radon levels in your home with a RadonEye Pro Continuous Radon Monitor!

What should I do to prepare for my radon test?

To properly prepare for a radon test, a home must have closed home conditions in practice for at least 12 hours before the test begins. This means:

  • Closing all windows and doors, and keeping them closed, outside of regular exiting and entering.

  • Not adjusting the thermostat (heating or cooling) during the testing period.

  • Not running fans, especially those that bring in air from outside, during the test. An exception to this would be fans that are specifically designed to help reduce radon or small exhaust fans that only run for short periods of time.

  • Keeping any pets away from the testing area. If they are not contained upon arrival, we are not responsible for them exiting or entering while we do so, and we are not obligated to set up the test. A fee will be assessed for returning to the site.

  • The test will be conducted on the lowest lived-in level of the home, and in a frequently used area that is not a kitchen or bathroom. The monitor will be placed in a central location where it is least likely to be disturbed, away from drafts, high heat, high humidity, and exterior walls.

So what do my results mean?

A typical short-term radon test lasts from 2 - 90 days, while a long-term test can last longer than that. A 2 day (48 hour) test is the recommended minimum for radon testing to ensure accurate and complete results. When ever possible, longer testing yields more accurate results.

Radon levels should never reach above 4 pCi/L in a home. Today's technology can reduce the levels of radon to below 2 pCi/L depending on home construction, ensuring another level of safety in the air. If a home's radon levels are above this 4 pCi/L threshold, the EPA strongly recommends getting that home corrected.

My home is above the threshold. What do I do?

Without proper equipment, there is a chance that the problem could get worse. The EPA recommends hiring a qualified radon mitigation contractor to adjust the levels, and using a continuous radon monitor, like the one linked above, to keep an eye on those levels until getting the home tested again next year.

Information about appropriate training courses are available from the state's radon office if you choose to try to fix the problem yourself. It is crucial to be completely and thoroughly trained in reducing radon, which is why the EPA strongly suggests hiring a licensed professional. Most states can provide you with a list of knowledgeable radon service providers doing business in the state.

In the event that your state cannot provide a list or do not regulate radon services, ask the contractor if they hold a professional proficiency or certification credential, and if they follow industry consensus standards. You can contact private proficiency programs for lists of privately certified professionals in your area.


To learn more about radon, visit our website.

Make sure you and your loved ones are safe. Schedule a Radon Inspection today.

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